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Reverend Dr. Conley Hughes, Jr 

Senior Pastor

Conley H. Hughes Jr., has the distinct honor of having served Concord Church as senior minister for more than 34 years. Pastor Hughes presides over a vibrant, intergenerational Christian fellowship, which strives to be knowledgeable of God’s Word, and transformative in the approach to ministry, missions. and congregational life. Dr. Hughes encourages the servant-leader concept of ministry, and has a passion for cultivating healthy relationships. He believes in civic engagement at a level that does not compromise our faith principles, but enhances and liberates the lives of others. Dr. Hughes also serves as president of an affiliate 501 (c) (3) Housing and Economic Development Corporation, which seeks to assist underserved persons with attaining home ownership; and in providing support resources for entrepreneurs and small businesses serving those communities.


Reverend Dr. Moreen P. Hughes 

Associate Pastor and Minister to Women

An anointed woman of God, Rev. Moreen serves the Concord Church family alongside her husband in various capacities in the church and is responsible for the planning, implementation, and promotion of ministries to women. Along with a team of Ministers and lay leaders of the church, she ministers to women within the congregation as well as the greater Boston community. A Scriptural based preacher and teacher, she is gifted in ministering to women at Women's conferences and retreats throughout the US, Canada, and the Caribbean.  Her goal is to see transformation occur in the lives of individuals. 


She is also on staff of The American Baptist Churches of MA, (TABCOM) and is the Association Resource Coordinator, representing 39 churches, that comprise the Boston Southwest Association. She represents the association on the Board of Directors for The Conference of Baptists Ministers in Massachusetts.  Rev. Moreen is an author, founder & president of Tabitha International Ministries, Inc. a 501 C3 non-profit organization, that partners with churches and faith-based organizations in Barbados and Bermuda.


Her favorite Scripture is:


“I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death.”

Philippians 3:10 (NIV)

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Minister Tamisha Atkins

Associate Minister, Women's Ministry

Minister Atkins has a heart for service and wants everyone to "win" in life. Her ministry focus is to bring God's love to women in every aspect of their lives.  She is a graduate of UMass Boston and currently pursuing a Master of Divinity at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary. However, her greatest joy is being the wife of Michael and mother of James and Jordan. 

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Reverend Bettye Craft-Caldwell, Ed D

Associate Minister, Nursing Home Ministry

Rev. Craft serves the church in ministering to those who are sometimes forgotten. Each Sunday she ministers to the residence at Laurel Ridge Nursing/Rehabilitation Home. She is also director of the new member’s mentoring ministry and also serve as an integral part of the prayer-line ministry. 


Her favorite scripture is:

“For I know the plans I have for you, “declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11


Reverend Brenda Fluker, Esq

Associate Minister, Christian Education

Rev. Fluker believes that we must love one another and teaches that the practice of the spiritual disciplines including prayer and Bible study is necessary for spiritual growth.  Learning begins at birth and does not end before death.   Rev. Fluker seeks to share God’s love through authentic and transparent relationships. 


Her favorite verse is:

…‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” Luke 10:27

















Reverend Dr. Mary Day Hamel

TABCOM Executive Minister-in-Residence

Rev. Dr. Mary Day Hamel was called to serve as TABCOM’s executive minister in August 2015. From 2012-2015, Mary served as Associate Executive Minister of Mid-American Baptist Churches, a region serving churches in Iowa and Minnesota. She has held two long-term pastorates, at the First Baptist Church in Fredericktown, Ohio and Memorial Baptist Church in Indianapolis.


She holds a Doctor of Ministry from Central Baptist Theological Seminary, a Master of Divinity from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and a Bachelor of Science degree from Virginia Commonwealth University.


Mary has taught and consulted in the area of church conflict. She is certified by FaithTrust Institute to provide training in Clergy Ethics and Boundaries, which she teaches regularly. Mary is an officer of the Regional Executive Minister’s Council of ABC/USA.


In her free time, Mary enjoys travel, photography, swimming, and scuba diving. She “collects” US National Parks and visits at least one each year. Mary has two adult children and a beautiful granddaughter.

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Reverend Willia Mines

Associate Minister, Bereavement


Reverend Mines provides guidance and comfort to persons who are struggling from or the experiences of life. She has a passion for persons who are hurting due to the sudden death of a loved one. Reverend Mines loves God and people and she shares God’s love, comfort, and healing with everyone she encounters.


Her favorite verses are:

“God is a merciful God, who always gives us comfort. He comforts us when we are in trouble, so that we can share the same comfort with others in trouble”. 2 Cor. 1:3-4


Reverend Nanette E. Baines 

Associate Minister, Women's Ministry

Minister Baines serves on the Women’s Council of the Women’s Ministry, teaching staff for Vacation Bible School, and is a regular contributor to the Advent and Lenten Devotional Booklet.  She has a tremendous love and enthusiasm for God, and is dedicated to serving Him and His people.  Now a retired  administrator at Bridgewater State University, Min. Baines loves teaching and helping others realize and reach their God-given potential.   

Her favorite scripture is:

“Do not fret because of evil doers, nor be envious of the workers of iniquity...” Psalm 37   

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Reverend Dr. Darryl A. Elow, D.Min, M.Div

Associate Minister



Reverend James N. Fripp 

Minister, Ministry to Men

Reverend Jim Fripp was born and raised in Boston, Massachusetts. He attended Boston University School of Theology, where he received a Master of Theological Studies (Pastoral Counseling concentration) 2002. Jim is humbled to serve as Minister to Men since 2007. Jim has faith that God is love. He believes, with Howard Thurman that, “The religion of Jesus feeds an individual’s inner strength when a person accepts that they are a child of God and live responsibly  by God’s wishes.” God is love. Jesus is the joy of my salvation. God has explicitly called men to love Him; and love our brothers.


 Favorite verse:

Matthew 25:35-36: “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.”

and our families with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength.




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Minister Walika Jacques

Youth Ministry & Children's Chaplaincy

Walika Jacques was born and raised in Boston, MA. She is 41 years old and is an active member and Youth Leader at Concord Baptist Church of Boston in Milton MA. In May of 2017 Walika graduated from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary with a Master’s Degree in Urban Ministry focusing on Children, Youth and Family Leadership. In addition, Walika has a love for worship through dance and is an active member of the Vessels of Praise Dance Ministry. Though Walika’s background is saturated with the Arts, she has a very strong testimony of survival, and feels that she is called to chaplaincy in nursing homes, hospitals and juvenile centers. Her deepest desire is to be a reminder that prayer, faith, and action is the key to victory and that forgiveness leads to freedom, healing and a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. 


Reverend Charmayne Cooke, M. Div, MCM

Associate Minister

An ordained minister, community advocate and veteran media specialist, Rev. Charmayne Cooke is a personal witness of God’s mercy, peace and love. For more than 25 years, she has combined careers in Christian ministry and in the mass communications industry to address national issues regarding race, education and health inequities. Rev. Cooke believes in the life-changing power of God's word to renew and restore individuals, families and communities.


One of her favorite scriptures:


“…As the deer pants for the streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God.” Psalm 42:1, NIV

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Reverend Dr. Remona Farley

Associate Minister, Christian Education



Reverend Danielle Gantt

Minister to Youth Minister

Throughout her 20+ year career in the field of education, both in the non-profit and public sectors, Danielle has worked to support families and youth in accessing quality services in the urban centers of Boston. God has molded Danielle’s heart for children into a call to minister to youth in their formative years; helping them cultivate a personal relationship with Christ, a spirit of worship, and a desire for sincere service to God. With God’s leading, Danielle’s mission is to raise up the next generation of grounded and fearless warriors for Christ. Currently, she is the Minister to Youth, a member of Christian Education, and Director of Vacation Bible School. Danielle was ordained as a Reverend by The American Baptist Churches of Massachusetts (TABCOM) and American Baptist Churches USA (ABCUSA) on Sunday, November 14, 2022. 


Life verse: Psalm 27:1 “The Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life of whom shall I be afraid?”


Minister Roscoe Mills

Associate Minister, Music/Arts


God continues to use Min. Roscoe for his service in the music ministry. His ministry is to provide leadership in song to the congregation and to be an encourager to the Concord singers through the power of the Holy Spirit. 


His favorite scripture is:

“I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence comes my help … Psalm 121


Minister Betty M Raye

Associate Minister

Minister Betty M. Raye believes that prayer is one of the most important elements of the church. A strong believer in the transforming power of prayer, she knows that God has called her to this very important ministry in the body of Christ. She also has a passion for music and serves the church in the music ministry.


Her favorite scripture is:

"...Let nothing move you. Always give yourself fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain."

1 Corinthians 15:58


Minister LeRoy Streat

Director of Music and Arts

As a humble servant of God, Minister Streat overseas the music, arts and media ministry of the church. It is the mission of this ministry to set an atmosphere so that souls would be reconciled to Christ. 

His favorite scripture is:

“God is a Spirit: and they that worship him, must worship him in spirit and in truth.” John 4:24


Minister Joseph Smith

Associate Minister, Outreach & Evangelism

Minister Joseph believes that God has called him to work the streets and communities of Greater Boston. His goal is to reach all, but specifically young men for Christ. 


His favorite Scripture is:

Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all of your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths. Proverbs 3: 5-6


Minister Dr. Keith Turner, M.Ed, M , DIV, D.Min

Associate Minister

Minister Keith a child of Concord Baptist Church since birth is a retired law enforcement officer who merges his skills in serving communities with serving the church. His interest lies in the area of ministering to ex-offenders. 


His favorite verse is:

“I can do all things through Christ who give me strength.” Philippians 4:13

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Malissa Evans

Church Clerk



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Deaconess Nazaree Bennett

Chairman of the Deaconess Board




Kim Roger McCant

Director of Budget and Finance



Gwen Ackerman

Church Clerk



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Renee Jackson

Chair, Trustee




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Mary Harris




Deacon Philip Pasley

Chairman of the Deacon Board


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Worneita Stanford

Church Clerical Assistant


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Chantay Horne

Assistant Treasurer


Concord Baptist Church

180 Blue Hill Ave

Milton, MA 02186



Service Time

Live Stream Sunday 9:30am 

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